"Sunday morning at 4:30, my husband woke me up to tell me he was going to the hospital for chest pains! He had been in pain all night! As I was going out, I saw my book, "Activating God's Power," by Michelle Leslie. I grabbed it up and stuffed it in my purse.
After an EKG and blood test, I laid hands on him and prayed from the "Healing" section of the book. I prayed many passages, but the one that quickened my spirit was Isaiah 58:8 "Then your light will break forth like the dawn, and your healing will quickly appear; then your righteousness will go before you, and the glory of the Lord will be your rear guard.”
My husband's pain left, the tests all came out negative and after a nap, he was up for the rest of the day to enjoy our family!
I was so thankful that I'd brought the book, especially at a time when it's hard to even think straight. The book is a perfect size for my purse, and I'll be carrying it all the time from now on. If I need to pray for someone I meet along my day, I can just whip it out and pray God's word over them. If I need His word to lift my spirits, no matter where I am, I have the book with me to pray for myself!!
Thank you Michelle for writing this!"
"Our daughter was having a pretty significant panic attack, which continued into the car following your book launch party. I opened up your book right to the pages on anxiety and began praying over her. The screaming stopped. The crying stopped. Her breathing changed. We all noticed it. Speaking God's word personalized, with our daughter's name, calmed her fears, her sadness and helped her know peace. It was amazing!"
This is a testimony of a 17-year-old girl that comes from a divided home... "Michelle Leslie's book, Activating God's Power brings me tears of joy! As I read each verse, memories flow through my mind. As I lay in bed at night thinking about my past life with my mom or struggles I have today, Michelle's book helps me to believe that there is hope and an angel watching over me."

I want to share my testimony about how Michelle Leslie's book, Activating God's Power, has been such a blessing to my husband and myself.
Last week my husband and I found ourselves in such a hard place. We both were very stressed and wanted to blame each other for the situation that we now found ourselves in. Fear breeds all kinds of poor choices and
during what we were facing, the "fear level" seemed unbearable. I found the heaviness, almost suffocating and I asked my husband if he was feeling the same "heaviness" that I was feeling. He said it was thick and it was
consuming everything he was trying to do that day, which was working his job. He could barely keep his focus on work. My husband came to visit me at work and when he got there I was so glad to see him, but at the same
time feeling the same drowning feeling that he was facing, so I was having a very hard time encouraging him. It seemed like the words I was saying were hitting a brick wall and it wasn't because he didn't care, but it was
the stress and heaviness that we were trying to overcome. I started getting frustrated and angry and I could tell that he was feeling helpless as well. We were on the verge of blowing up at each other because the tension in the room was so thick. My husband finally blurted out, "Let's
Pray!" We started and it was Hard. Like moving through quicksand. I then decided to pick up your book and started praying for both of us and adding our names in where just my name was listed. After about three
minutes of praying the word of God from your book the "heaviness" just left. I finally felt like I could breathe again and my husband was amazed! He started recognizing how powerful it is to pray the word of and God and use it in Spiritual Warfare. All I have to say is,"It Works!"
It's powerful! It's God's Will being prayed over your situation, your atmosphere, your mindsets, and allowing Him to work in them. I know that sometimes people don't know how to pray or know what to say, so this is a tool for them to speak to God and let that relationship grow everyday. I'm so thankful for your book, Michelle, it's helped my husband and i to pray for one another and build our faith and our marriage. I thank God for this book.
I love you Michelle and the amazing impact your book has had coming into my life when it did..."Activating God's Power"!